Google Adsense 账户类型以及托管账号如何升级为网站内容广告

👨‍💻罗格 💠Google AdSense实操教程 ⏰7年前 (2018-01-18) 👁️13072 Views 💬0 comment
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Google Adsense 账户类型以及托管账号如何升级为网站内容广告

本文主要给大家介绍 Google Adsense 账户类型的区别,很多人都不知道这个账户类型对自己有没有影响,所以今天就给大家写一下账户类型的区别,另外 Google Adsense 还有一个托管账户的概念,那么什么是托管账户,托管账户又该如何使用和在网站挂广告呢?今天这篇文章将为大家一一解开,关于 Google Adsense 注册相关文章可以查看本文尾部列表。

Google Adsense 账户类型

Google Adsense 主要提供两种账户类型分别是:企业帐户和个人帐户。个人帐户与企业帐户在服务或付款结构方面并无区别。企业帐户的付款将支付到公司名下,而个人帐户的付款则支付到帐户所有人的收款人名下,所以大家不用纠结自己是注册个人账户好还是企业账户好,当然如果自己有企业资质注册为企业账户是最好的,为什么这么说呢?因为主要是收款的问题,大家都知道 Google Adsense 收款分为电汇和西联汇款,不论哪种方式打到账户的都是美刀,电汇由于扣除的手续费特别高,国内很少有人使用,现在用西联的比较多,因为收到的是外汇就涉及到一个收汇结汇的问题,通俗点说就是 Google 打到你的银行账户上的钱是美金形式存在的,这个过程可以理解为收汇,但是美金你在国内没法使用,你的告诉银行说你要兑换成人民币,这个过程相当于结汇,那这个和账号类型有什么关系呢?因为根据国家外汇管理局规定,中国大陆每个人公民每人每年只能结汇5万美元或等值外币,所以如果你的 Google Adsense 收入可观,很快就会达到这个限制,如果是企业账户在处理这些限制上相对来说更容易找到渠道。当然大家也不用担心,5万美金的广告收入对于个人站来说是一笔不菲的收入,这个程度并不容易达到。


  1. 易结汇
  2. 义乌个体户结汇
  3. 招行香港一卡通结汇
  4. 香港离岸帐号结汇
  5. 用直系亲属的额度结汇
  6. 地下钱庄【违法】


如果你已经拥有 Google Adsense 账户,你想查看你的帐户类型,请执行以下操作:

  1. 登录到您的 AdSense 帐号。
  2. 在左侧导航面板中,点击设置,然后点击付款。
  3. 点击管理设置。
  4. 在“帐号类型”部分中,您可以看到您的帐号类型。


在你将 AdSense 帐号作为企业或个人帐号启动后,你将无法更改帐号类型。如果需要不同的帐号类型,你必须先取消现有的 AdSense 帐号,然后以所需帐号类型开设新帐号。

Google Adsense 托管账户






这里这个朋友的账户显示的托管账户,那么什么是托管账户呢?我查了一下文章,其大概意思是 Google Adsense 在自家的一些平台其中包括 AdMob、YouTube、Blogger 还有另外一些和 Google Adsense 有托管合作伙伴关系的平台是可以直接申请广告的,而通过这类平台或者渠道申请的 Google Adsense 账号就叫托管账户,这个托管账户默认只能在托管平台使用,你无法直接在自己的域名网站上使用,如果你是通过托管合作伙伴注册的 AdSense 帐户,并且希望在自己的非托管合作伙伴网站上展示广告,你就需要升级你的账户,这个步骤就是向Google Adsense 提供你希望用来获利的网站的网址,也就是正常的 Google Adsense 申请流程,填写申请网站信息并在申请网站挂上代码等待 Google Adsense 进行审核,按照 adsense 官方的说法,这并不会影响你本来在托管平台的广告收入。


  1. 登录到您的 AdSense 帐户。
  2. 在左侧导航面板中,点击我的广告。
  3. 点击其他产品。
  4. 点击立即升级并完整填写申请表单。
  5. 最后,您需要在上面提供的网址中实现 AdSense 广告代码,具体实现位置是能够获得流量的网页。

当然能否升级成功还在于你提供的网站内容是否原创,是否符合 Google Adsense 规范,具体参考下列文章:

  1. Google Adsense 过审核申请教程,谷歌广告的另类申请技巧
  2. 新博客快速申请 Google AdSense 账号获批通过的技巧及答疑


  1. 解密 Google AdSense 高价赚钱网站类型之提升广告点击率(CTR)的秘密
  2. Adsense 月入过万,你必须要懂的赚钱逻辑及赚钱心态
  3. 5种有效的方式来最大化你网站的 AdSense 广告利润

English Reading:

This article mainly introduces the difference between Google Adsense account types. Many people don't know whether this account type has any effect on themselves, so today I will write about the difference between account types, and Google Adsense also has a concept of hosting accounts, then What is a escrow account, how should the escrow account be used and advertised on the website? Today this article will be untied for everyone.

Google Adsense account type

Google Adsense mainly provides two types of accounts: business account and personal account. There is no difference between a personal account and a corporate account in terms of service or payment structure. The payment for the business account will be paid to the company name, and the payment for the personal account will be paid to the account holder's name, so you don't have to worry about whether you are registering a personal account or a business account. Of course, if you have a business qualification registration For business accounts is the best, why do you say that? Because it is mainly the problem of collecting money, everyone knows that Google Adsense collection is divided into wire transfer and Western Union remittance. No matter which method is used to get the account, it is a beautiful knife. Because the handling fee is very high, the wire transfer is rarely used in China. Now there are more Western Union, because the foreign exchange received involves a foreign exchange settlement. The popular point is that Google’s money on your bank account is in the form of US dollars. This process can be understood as collecting foreign exchange. But the US dollar can't be used in China. You tell the bank that you want to convert it into RMB. This process is equivalent to settlement. What does this have to do with the account type? Because according to the regulations of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, each citizen of mainland China can only settle 50,000 US dollars or equivalent foreign currency per year, so if your Google Adsense income is considerable, this limit will be reached soon, if the business account is being processed. These restrictions are relatively easy to find channels. Of course, you don't have to worry about it. The advertising revenue of 50,000 US dollars is a huge income for the personal station. This level is not easy to achieve.

Here are some of the foreign exchange settlement methods of more than 50,000 US dollars:

Easy to settle

  1. Yiwu individual household settlement
  2. China Merchants Bank Hong Kong Card Reconciliation
  3. Hong Kong offshore account settlement
  4. Set up the balance of the immediate family member
  5. Underground money house [illegal]

As far as offshore accounts are concerned, foreign trade should know that the advantage of offshore companies is that when you are a big business, you may need multiple currency accounts, and offshore accounts are usually multi-currency accounts, which can be more convenient and different. National trade, and there is no limit to foreign exchange settlement.

If you already have a Google Adsense account and you want to see your account type, please do the following:

  1. Log in to your AdSense account.
  2. In the left navigation panel, click Settings, then click Payments.
  3. Click Manage Settings.
  4. In the "Account Type" section, you can see your account type.

Can I change my account type?

Once you've activated your AdSense account as a business or personal account, you won't be able to change your account type. If you need a different account type, you must first cancel your existing AdSense account and open a new one with the desired account type.

Google Adsense escrow account

Recently, when I checked my account with a friend, I found that his account is different from mine. The details are as follows:

Hosting account.png

Hosting Account Details

My normal website advertising account is as follows:

normal advertising account details

Here is the account of the friend's account, so what is the escrow account? I checked the article, which probably means that Google Adsense can directly apply for advertising on some platforms of its own, including AdMob, YouTube, Blogger, and other platforms that have a hosting partnership with Google Adsense. Or the Google Adsense account applied for by the channel is called the escrow account. This escrow account can only be used on the hosting platform by default. You can't use it directly on your own domain name website. If you are an AdSense account registered through a hosting partner, and you want to be on your own. To display ads on the unmanaged partner website, you will need to upgrade your account. This step is to provide Google Adsense with the URL of the website you wish to monetize, that is, the normal Google Adsense application process, fill in the application website information and Hang up the code on the application website and wait for Google Adsense to review it. According to the official adsense, this will not affect your advertising revenue on the hosting platform.

The specific process of the upgrade is as follows:

  1. Log in to your AdSense account.
  2. In the left navigation panel, click My ads.
  3. Click on other products.
  4. Click Upgrade Now and complete the application form.
  5. Finally, you'll need to implement the AdSense ad code in the URL provided above, which is the page where traffic is available.

Of course, the success of the upgrade is also whether the website content you provide is original and conforms to the Google Adsense specification. Please refer to the following articles:

  1. Google Adsense over-review application tutorial, alternative application skills for Google ads
  2. New blog quick application for Google AdSense account approved skills and Q&A

You may be interested:

  1. Decrypt the secret of Google AdSense high-priced website type to increase the click-through rate (CTR)
  2. Adsense has a monthly income of over 10,000, you must understand the logic of making money and earning money
  3. 5 effective ways to maximize the profitability of your site's AdSense ads

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