Google Adsense 联盟账号注册申请条件以及注意事项

👨‍💻罗格 💠Google AdSense实操教程 ⏰7年前 (2018-01-23) 👁️7549 Views 💬0 comment
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Google adsense 联盟目前毫无疑问是最为优秀的广告联盟之一了,除了具有高昂的广告单价,也是可信度最高的广告,另外其提供的广告单元样式也是非常丰富,这比国内的百度联盟、阿里妈妈这些大联盟更加优秀,虽然备受大中型网站和个人网站的青睐,不过对于国内用户来说,还是有些水土不服,今天就给大家说说 Google Adsense 联盟申请的条件和一些需要注意的事项。

Google Adsense 联盟申请条件

由于 Adsense 作弊的人太多了,Google 开始对中国和印度等地区的网站添加了一项必须建站运行6个月以上才能申请 Adsense 的硬性条件,下面是谷歌官方写的申请条件。

  1. 您是否拥有网站? 要参与 AdSense 计划,您必须拥有网站。请阅读精彩内容的制作技巧,了解如何让您的网站能够吸引更多用户和广告客户。这里注意,你必须要有顶级域名,网站内容必须为原创。
  2. 您是否年满18周岁? 我们的条款及条件已明确规定,我们只接受 18 周岁以上的申请者提交的申请。
  3. 您的网站是否符合我们的合作规范? 提交申请前,请检查您的网站是否符合我们的合作规范。请注意,我们可能会随时更改合作规范,而且根据我们的条款及条件,您有责任关注合作规范的最新动态。
  4. 您的网站是否已运行至少6个月的时间? 在包括中国和印度在内的一些地区,我们要求您的网站必须已运行至少 6 个月的时间,否则不会将其纳入考虑范围。我们的这一要求是为了保证广告网络的质量,并保护广告客户和现有发布商的利益。

这里主要谈谈最后一条也就是至少6个月的硬性条件的解决办法:使用国外服务器,该条经过测试已经完全没问题,我在Google Adsense 过审核申请教程,谷歌广告的另类申请技巧文章里有提到过,建议大家使用美国服务器,因为美国服务器有本土速度优势,更有利于 Google Adsense 官方的审核,当然另一面也能解决6个月的硬性条件要求,可谓一举两得。

注意:Google Adsense 对申请者的网站的访问量没有限制,即使一天只有十个人访问的网站,也可以申请 AdSense。

  1. 第一次申请的时候最好使用 www 域名去申请,否则的话可能会导致申请不成功。
  2. 文章内容的原创性,谷歌对于内容的原创非常看重,如果一味的转载,申请不会成功。


  1. 发表有深度的文章,比如技术博客类或者其他专业深入分析的文章,这类文章容易给网站带来高质量的流量,所有比较受 Adsense 欢迎
  2. 文章长度最好超过2000字,做到图文并茂,这一条是有科学根据的,只要分析一下谷歌搜索排名前10的网站结果,你就能得出前面的这个规律
  3. 原创文章数量至少超过60%,最好80%,谷歌对于文章原创性判断的算法非常先进,任何新网站只要发布自己的原创文章被收录之后,搜索标题就能显示在第一页第一条,不信你可以试试搜索“Google Adsense 联盟申请条件以及注意事项”,看看我的文章会不会出现在搜索结果的首页
  4. 如果是使用的CMS系统,请保证网站内容充足,不要大片空白,不然会因以内容不足被拒绝

更多要求可以阅读:新博客快速申请 Google AdSense 账号获批通过的技巧及答疑

那些网站不符合 Google Adsense 的规范:

  • 不得包含暴力内容、种族偏见或抨击个人、团体或组织的内容
  • 不得包含色情或成人内容
  • 不得包含黑客或破解的内容
  • 不得包含违禁药品和毒品用具
  • 不得包含过分的亵渎性言辞
  • 不得包含与赌博或赌场相关的内容
  • 不得包含涉及为用户点击广告或优惠内容、执行搜索、浏览网站或查阅电子邮件提供奖励的计划的内容
  • 不得包含过多、重复或无关的关键字(在网页内容或代码中)
  • 不得包含用以提高网站搜索引擎排名的欺诈性或人为操纵的内容或结构,如网站的 PageRank
  • 不得销售或宣传武器或军火(如火枪、搏击刀、眩晕枪等)
  • 不得销售或宣传啤酒或烈性酒
  • 不得销售或宣传烟草或与烟草相关的产品
  • 不得销售或宣传处方药
  • 不得销售或宣传名牌商品的复制品或仿冒品
  • 不得销售或分发学期考卷或学生论文
  • 不得包含任何其他非法、宣传非法活动或侵犯他人合法权利的内容
Google Adsense 发布商违规警告解除方法及反思
这里给大家推荐这篇文章并非为了告诉你你可以用 Google Adsense 不允许的网站申请账户,即便申请到账户以后你依然不可以在网站中出现以上违规的内容,严重情况将会被直接封号。

Google Adsense 联盟注意事项

(1)确保你在申请时填写的信息准确。Google Adsense 需要经过工作人员人工审核,而且并非每个申请都能顺利通过,因此请确保你填写的各项信息准确。

(2)掌握申请时机。申请 Google Adsense 帐户时,有一项重要内容是你的网站网址,也就是说在正式申请之前你的网站应该已经正式发布,网站内容合法且比较丰富,你所申请的网站之前应该没有申请过 Google Adsense 帐户;如果你有多个网址,只需填写其中一个质量比较高的即可,申请获得批准后可以将广告代码放到其他网站上。

(3)收款人姓名准确无误。正如第一条所说,这项信息关系到你收到 Google Adsense 的PIN码以及支付问题。而且一旦申请 Google Adsense 帐户成功后,收款人姓名是不能更改的(中文名字和汉语拼音名字都不能修改),如果你借用别人的名字申请,将来获得的美元支票收款人是别人的名字,每次到银行办理支票托收手续就需要使用别人的身份证和银行帐户,想想该有多麻烦吧。

(4)收款人地址的唯一性。首次申请 Google Adsense 时,如果你的地址已经被人申请使用过,那么申请可能会被拒绝,这种情况下,你可以更换一个地址可以重新申请。申请获得批准后可以修改收款人地址,不过收款人所在国家是不能修改的,如果在中国申请的Google Adsense帐户之后你到了另一个国家,只能委托本国的朋友代收支票了。

(5)帐户类型应该选择个人还是企业?如果你有自己的公司并且有美元帐户,可以选择企业。不过根据经验,除非大型网站,一般情况下个人网站或者中小规模的网站都可以选择个人帐户,因为个人帐户支票可以方便地通过银行托收为个人帐户名下的活期存款,而企业帐户中的资金使用手续通常比较麻烦,尤其是企业美元帐户,要兑换人民币并且提现金往往比较复杂。但我在另外一篇文章Google Adsense 账户类型以及托管账号如何升级为网站内容广告有提到过,企业账户在收汇是的限额会比个人个人更容易解决,大家根据视自己的具体情况申请即可。


(7)珍惜你的Google Adsense发布商资格。前面已经说过,并非每个网站的申请都能顺利通过审核,因此当你的Google Adsense帐户申请获得批准之后,就成为Google Adsense广告联盟的内容发布商了,拥有在自己网站上投放与网页内容相关的google广告的机会,要充分利用这一机会通过自己网站的访问量获得广告点击收入,并且严格遵守Google Adsense计划政策的相关说明,无论任何情况下不要点击自己网站上的广告,以免adsense帐户被取消(什么情况下你的Google Adsense账号将会被取消?),否则以后你再也不能用自己的名字重新申请google adsense广告帐户了。

(8)Google Adsense帐户获得批准之后,尽快把adsense广告代码尽快放到网页中的合适位置,跟踪管理google广告的展示和被 点击情况,不断优化Google Adsense广告,通过高质量的网站内容获得源源不断访问量的同时,也获得不断增加的广告点击收入。这样当你的Google Adsense帐户广告佣金达到100美元以上时,就可以等待接收Google给你打款。


  1. 解密 Google AdSense 高价赚钱网站类型之挖掘高价广告关键词的秘密
  2. 解密 Google AdSense 高价赚钱网站类型之提升广告点击率(CTR)的秘密
  3. Google AdSense 广告单价低你可能进入了操作误区
  4. 5种有效的方式来最大化你网站的 AdSense 广告利润
  5. 最新 Google Adsense 高价格CPC关键词及如何使用关键词让你赚的更多

Google Adsense 求助通道

官方联系邮箱:[email protected]
Adsense 帮助中心,支持中文
Adsense 论坛,很多人在上面提问!forum/adsense
Adsense google+ 博客,最新消息都会发布在这里
Adsense 官方博客 重大改动都会在这里第一时间发布
另外就是本站 Adsense 专题

English Reading:

The Google adsense alliance is undoubtedly one of the best ad networks. In addition to its high advertising unit price, it is also the most credible ad. It also offers a very rich ad unit style, which is better than the domestic Baidu alliance. Ali's mothers are more excellent in these big leagues. Although they are favored by large and medium-sized websites and personal websites, they are still not satisfied with domestic users. Today, I will tell you about the conditions of the Google Adsense Alliance application and some matters needing attention. .

Google Adsense Alliance Application Conditions

Because there are too many people cheating on Adsense, Google has begun to add a hard condition to the website of China and India to be able to apply for Adsense for more than 6 months. The following are the official application conditions of Google.

  1. Do you own a website? To participate in the AdSense program, you must have a website. Read how to create great content and learn how to make your site appeal to more users and advertisers. Note here that you must have a top-level domain name and the content of the website must be original.
  2. Are you 18 years of age or older? Our Terms and Conditions clearly state that we only accept applications from applicants over the age of 18.
  3. Does your website comply with our program policies? Before submitting your application, please check that your website complies with our program policies. Please note that we may change our policies at any time, and in accordance with our Terms and Conditions, you are responsible for keeping up to date with the policies.
  4. Has your website been running for at least 6 months? In some regions, including China and India, we require that your site must have been running for at least 6 months or it will not be considered. Our requirement is to ensure the quality of the ad network and to protect the interests of advertisers and existing publishers.

Here mainly talk about the last one is a hard condition solution for at least 6 months: using a foreign server, the article has been tested completely no problem, I am in Google Adsense over-review application tutorial, Google advertising alternative application skills It is mentioned in the article that it is recommended that you use the US server, because the US server has a local speed advantage, which is more conducive to the official review of Google Adsense. Of course, the other side can also solve the six-month hard condition requirement, which is a two-pronged one.

Note: Google Adsense has no restrictions on the applicant's website, even if it is only visited by ten people a day.

  1. It is best to use the www domain name to apply for the first application. Otherwise, the application may be unsuccessful.
  2. The originality of the content of the article, Google is very valued for the original content, if you simply reprint, the application will not succeed.

About the content of the website article:

  1. Publish in-depth articles, such as technical blogs or other in-depth analysis of articles, such articles are easy to bring high-quality traffic to the site, all are more popular with Adsense
  2. The length of the article is preferably more than 2,000 words. It is scientific and scientific. If you analyze the results of the top 10 websites in Google search, you can get the previous rule.
  3. The number of original articles is at least 60%, preferably 80%. Google's algorithm for originality judgment of articles is very advanced. Any new website can be displayed on the first page after publishing its own original articles. If you don't believe, you can try searching for "Google Adsense Alliance application conditions and precautions" to see if my article will appear on the first page of search results.
  4. If you are using a CMS system, please ensure that the content of the website is sufficient, not to be blank, otherwise it will be rejected due to insufficient content.

More requirements can be read: New blog quick application for Google AdSense account approved skills and Q & A

Those sites do not meet the Google Adsense specifications:

 - Must not contain violent content, racial prejudice or slamming content of individuals, groups or organizations
 - Must not contain pornographic or adult content
 - Do not include hacked or cracked content
 - Do not include prohibited drugs and drugs
 - Do not contain excessive defamatory words
 - Do not include content related to gambling or casinos
 - Do not include content that includes a program that rewards users for clicking on ads or offers, performing searches, browsing websites, or reviewing emails
 - Do not include excessive, repetitive or irrelevant keywords (in web content or code)
 - Do not include fraudulent or artificially manipulated content or structures used to improve the ranking of a search engine on a website, such as the PageRank of a website
 - Do not sell or promote weapons or arms (such as firearms, fighting knives, stun guns, etc.)
 - Do not sell or promote beer or spirits
 - Do not sell or promote tobacco or tobacco-related products
 - Do not sell or promote prescription drugs
 - Do not sell or promote copies or counterfeit goods of branded goods
 - Do not sell or distribute semester exam papers or student papers
 - Do not include any other content that is illegal, promotes illegal activities or infringes on the legal rights of others

Google Adsense Alliance Considerations

(1) Make sure that the information you fill out at the time of application is accurate. Google Adsense requires manual review by staff, and not every application will pass, so please make sure that the information you fill out is accurate.

(2) Master the timing of the application. When you apply for a Google Adsense account, one important content is your website URL, which means that your website should have been officially released before the official application. The content of the website is legal and rich. You should have not applied for Google Adsense before the website you applied for. Account; if you have multiple URLs, just fill in one of the higher quality ones and you can place the ad code on other sites after the application is approved.

(3) The payee's name is correct. As stated in the first article, this information relates to the PIN you receive from Google Adsense and the payment issue. And once the Google Adsense account is successfully applied, the payee name cannot be changed (Chinese name and Chinese pinyin name cannot be modified). If you borrow someone else's name, the future dollar check payee will be someone else's name. Every time you go to the bank for check collection, you need to use someone else's ID card and bank account. Think about how much trouble you have.

(4) The uniqueness of the payee's address. When you apply for Google Adsense for the first time, if your address has already been applied for, the application may be rejected. In this case, you can change the address to re-apply. After the application is approved, the payee address can be modified, but the country of the payee cannot be modified. If you go to another country after applying for the Google Adsense account in China, you can only entrust your local friends to collect the check.

(5) Should the account type be personal or business? If you have your own company and have a US dollar account, you can choose a business. However, according to experience, unless a large website, in general, a personal website or a small-to-medium-sized website can choose a personal account, because the personal account check can be conveniently collected by the bank as a demand deposit under the personal account name, and the funds in the business account. The use of procedures is usually cumbersome, especially for corporate dollar accounts. It is often complicated to exchange RMB and withdraw cash. However, I mentioned in another article How to advertise the Google Adsense account type and how to upgrade the escrow account to the website content, the limit on the collection of corporate accounts is easier than the individual, and everyone You can apply for the specific situation.

(6) Use a reliable email address and recommend using a Gmail mailbox. Because all the information about your account, whether it is an audit or a late advertising violation, will send a message to this mailbox, so this mailbox must be a very reliable mailbox.

(7) Cherish your Google Adsense publisher qualification. As mentioned above, not every website application can be successfully reviewed, so when your Google Adsense account application is approved, it becomes a content publisher for the Google Adsense ad network, with content and web content on your website. Relevant google advertising opportunities, to take full advantage of this opportunity to obtain advertising click revenue through the traffic of your website, and strictly follow the instructions of the Google Adsense program policy, regardless of the circumstances, do not click on the ads on their own website, so as not to avoid adsense account Cancelled (when will your Google Adsense account be cancelled?), otherwise you will no longer be able to re-apply for a google adsense ad account with your name.

(8) After the Google Adsense account is approved, put the adsense ad code as soon as possible in the appropriate position on the webpage, track and manage the display and clicks of the google advertisement, continuously optimize the Google Adsense advertisement, and obtain continuous and high-quality website content. At the same time as the volume of visits, it also receives increasing advertising click revenue. This way, when your Google Adsense account advertising commission reaches $100 or more, you can wait to receive Google to pay for you.

You may be interested in:

  1. Decrypt the secrets of Google AdSense high-priced website types to mine high-priced advertising keywords
  2. Decrypt the secret of the increased advertising click-through rate (CTR) of the Google AdSense high-profit website type
  3. Google AdSense ad unit price is low you may have entered a misunderstanding
  4. 5 effective ways to maximize the profitability of your site's AdSense ads
  5. Latest Google Adsense high price CPC keywords and how to use keywords to make you earn more

Google Adsense help channel

Email:[email protected]
Adsense Help Center, which supports Chinese
The Adsense forum, many people ask questions above!forum/adsense
Adsense google+ blog , the latest news will be posted here
Adsense official blog , major changes will be released here first
In addition, this site is the Adsense topic.

特别优惠:免费赠送 $50 Vultr主机-限时优惠!Adsense英文站必备海外服务器!点击了解更多

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